I have been looking forward to the post with equal measures of excitement and dread. The feminine energy has been so drastically misrepresented in our culture that it’s not even funny anymore. Never really was. And unpacking the lies that have been so heavily believed while also maintaining the integrity of the energy is sure to be an interesting thing. But I believe myself to have a firm enough grasp on the concept that I am up for the challenge.
Nah I am.
*Breath Elizabeth, it’s just a post*
Plus this is just the introduction to the concept, not the concept in its entirety so…. let’s go.
The feminine is really such a brilliant and powerful thing, with monuments of untapped potential and peace. I think that in general, as women we are taught (Not specifically, but through the influence of culture) what femininity is, but not how to actually hold it. On top of that, the version of feminine energy we are taught about, lives in one context, rather than being presented as a state of being.
Same disclaimer as the Masculine energy post, this is going to be a long one. I can feel it in my jelly’s. So bare with me okay. You can find the post on the masculine energy here The masculine energy – Elizabeth Eternal
The extra big problem lately is that we hella over corrected when trying to fix the imbalance. I can NOT do things the way a man can. I can do the job absolutely. I can be a boss babe, 100%. I can do all the things, and I do. But if I want to hold onto the Feminine that is really at the core of who I am as a person, I cannot do the job the way a man does it. It takes away from the power and beauty of myself as a feminine, and it degrades the masculine and its power to try.
The two are meant to work harmoniously together. Not side by side. Which! does not mean one is better than the other or has to be the dominate. No, they just bring two sides together.
So, what am I talking about.
The feminine energy has been so heavily misrepresented in our culture, it’s hard to even know where to start. Men and the masculine? They got this shit. It’s more like… a shift in perspective. But with femininity, its different.
Have you seen the new Barbie movie? When one of the main characters starts a monoluge of all the things that are expected of women? That shit is real. And there is so much expectation that no one really knows what to do with it, or how to tap into what is real and honest about themselves.
There was a huge portion of my life that I genuinely wished I was not born a woman. As do a lot of women who do not fit into the idea of the perfect wife and mother. I didn’t want to have to be meek and coy and pious. I wished I could be strong, and tenacious, and confident without the world telling me I was wrong for doing so. I so desperately wanted to be disconnected from this energy that was and is an intrinsic part of my being. Because who wants to be barefoot and pregnant and living for the benefit of everyone else around them? Not me.
I mean if that’s what you want, no judgment. I see you and its fucking beautiful. But the living for everyone else? I’m sorry but I am really not sorry… absomotherfuckinglutly not. Not for anyone. Ever. Because the Feminine was not meant to give, they were meant to receive, nurture, and give back. So, like yeah, I would love to be barefoot and pregnant, but…. for a season. Not for the whole fucking thing.
(Complete side note, but even our fucking anatomy screams please give it to me, I want to receive you. We literally have a hole that gets wet and wants to take something in. Okay, come on.)
So once again, just as I stated with the masculine energy, I want to make it clear from the beginning, that there is no one way to be a woman or to hold this energy. It is not qualifiable with a set of actions or words to encompass the fullness of it. It is the energy behind actions. Not the actions themselves.
It does not belong soley to women, or a certain kind of women.
If a man holds feminine energy, fucking let him! Just like if a woman holds masculine energy, fucking let her. I know men who hold a lot more of this delicious energy then a lot of women I know. And there is nothing shameful or wrong about that. That is just who they are. We don’t shame or judge here.
Please remember EVERYTHING you judge you are secretly jealous of. So maybe work on yourself. Okay?
What I want to talk about is the energy behind actions. The energy that fuels the way we look at the world, and the way that translates to actions. So, I am going to talk about child rearing, and partnerships and all that yummy kind of thing, but keep in mind, those things are NOT necessary to holding the feminine.
And in a later post I will talk about the difference between the dark fam and the soft fem. But… we already have so much going on in this post that it would make it too much. So, keep an eye out.
This one is long.
So, what is the Feminine Energy?
If the masculine is the structure, the Feminine is the temperature. Everything about the feminine energy was made to receive and nurture. Not to give. Almost never to give actually. Which was a really hard thing for me to make peace with if I am honest. I wrestled with it for a hot second. I know a lot of fems out there are going to be taken off guard. But I am guessing most masculine’s are going to be deeply settled by that ideal when explained further. Because they are the structure. They feel the most content and themselves when they get to take care of their fem and their family. It makes them feel powerful. And it should! That is a huge weight to bare, and they do it so naturally and wonderfully, that its very… well its a turn on. Period
The feminine is going to look at her family, as an extension of herself. Because the energy behind it is to receive and nurture. So, the partner, and the kids, and the house, the career, they are all a part of her. They are an extension of what is important to her and will be seen as a personal attribute. Remember when we talked about the singular mindset the masculine energy has? The feminine does not do that inherently. We can! Just like any other skill, it is attainable. But it is not innate, and it is not the way the feminine works best or is the most satiating.
So, when the feminine energy approaches a need, or a problem, it is looking for the core of it. She is looking to repair the temperature or the vibe, because it is what her energy naturally does. You know when dad is like “Why is this kid having such an attitude?” And he’s frustrated by it. But then mom looks at it and says “Oh they are feeling left out” and then she swoops and saves the day?
There is a reason for that.
The innate desire to create temperature within her home requires her to be able to see to the heart of an issue and redirect the energy. It’s an extension of her so if any of it is off balance, she is off balance. It’s really such a powerful thing. They set the tone, and the atmosphere. The masculine can try, but it will be exhausting for them. It will take the life right out of them if they do it for too long, because it is not what their energy was created to do. The feminine energy is the temperature. They do not have to try, they just are.
The reason so many women end up being the one that stays home and takes care of her family, is because her energy, when met with a healthy masculine, as I stated, sees this family as an extension of herself. And therefore, the innate desire to nurture, and create the right temperature can be damn near overwhelming. Infact there are a lot of women with powerful and amazing careers, that will leave it behind to focus on nurturing her family. Very few masculine’s would do that unless it was necessary, and only if they truly believed that it was the best way to create structure in their family. The feminine can and will keep the career and maintain the temperature of a family, but it is not for the faint of heart.
Read my post on the masculine if you want to understand more. I am not saying it again. lol
The energy is fucking powerful.
Let me put this in another context. I know, that when I walk into a room, I can have every single eye on me. I can have everyone’s attention, and they will be very aware of my presence. Is it because I am the most beautiful girl in the world? No. Beautiful is not even a word I would use for myself. Not in a self-deprecating I am so ugly kind of way, it’s just not the adjective I would use. No, it is because I know, that what I bring to the table, is the vibe. The temperature. The nurture. I hold the power to sway everyone’s mood and change the entire dynamic. And because I know this to my core, everyone else’s energy, is going to be looking for mine. They won’t even know that is what is happening, it’s not a conscious thing. it’s an energetic thing.
And because I know the energy I hold; I also am very confident that I will intuitively know how to interact with everyone in that room. Not because it’s a skill I have learned, but because that is what the feminine energy does. It sees to the heart of things, and nurtures it. I am not going to be wheeling and dealing in that room naturally. Haha no. That was a fun little skill I had to work hard for. But getting people to talk about their lives and what is important to them, and their family. yeah, I got that shit on lock.
As does pretty much every feminine energy ever.
I mean, they are not always going to want to walk into room and have every eye on them. That is the action not the energy. The energy is the temperature. And it will show up in every situation they interact with. The fem takes what is given to her, nurtures it and gives it back.
This is also why the feminine get caught up in abusive situations a lot.
They see the heart of it, not the action. They want to take what is given to them, and nurture it back to health. Which is not possible always. Especially with an unhealthy masculine. They are the structure. And if the structure is unhealthy, so is the rest. Just like if the temperature is unhealthy, so is the rest.
They are meant to work harmoniously with each other. Not as separate entities.
But I digress.
The feminine is far more powerful than we were ever taught to believe. Because the feminine energy can clock everything in a room in a matter of moments. The kids, the other adults, what needs to be done, what’s already been done etc. Not only can they clock it, but they can also change it if it needs to be. Just simply by bringing a certain presence to the room. There is never just one thing on the feminine mind. Not ever.
Our brains have this innate ability to hold a lot of information and process through a lot of different things all at once. Because of this, we are amazing multi taskers. I remember seeing a man doing a podcast or something… to be honest with you I don’t remember the context, but I do remember him saying that it was impossible to multitask truly.
Bitch bet, have you met a feminine who is fully in touch with her energy? I am going to assume not. *clears throat* Just because it is not true for a man does not mean it’s not true for everyone. The assumption is a wild one for me, because I don’t think they even see it that way. I do not believe for even a second that the masculine energy or men are inherently sexist. It just comes out that way occasionally.
This is the shit we were made for. To bring the temperature to our home, and to our interactions, to know that everyone on an individual level is cared for. (If we actually care for them anyway). Because of this we tend to know when something is off, and when there is something that needs to get done.
A feminine who has not embraced her energy is going to be nagging, and babying, and coddeling. Because the energy is there, we understand the temperature and that it needs to change, but we dont trust the masculine energy to do there job. And dont know how to bring about that understanding. So we do what those before us did. Its really very simple.
But a woman who has her man come home from work in a shitty mood, is going to immediately pick up on it, and want to fix it. This is her home; this is where her temperature matters the most. The toxic fem will absolutely be angry that he brought it home or start babying him hoping the mood will change. The healthy fem, will be his peace. The energy in her will recognize the masculine energy in him to be a vital piece of their life and the way it functions, and will start seeking out ways of changing it. If the structure is fucked… we are all fucked.
Should I say it again?
No, someone who is working well in their energy and has a firm grasp on the healthy feminine is going to spring into action, but they will do this, by refusing to let their vibe change. He is her man, not her child. He needs fucked, or he needs some cool down time alone, or maybe to vent, and get whatever is bothering him off his chest without someone trying to fix it. Maybe he needs an adventure, and the fem can for sure make that happen. Or a night at the bar with his friends. It will look different for every fem, and every masc will need something different. But she will find it! She will find a way to bring peace to her home again, because it is what is innate and natural to them. They want that.
Outside of a family dynamic.
Here is where things get very tricky. And I am about to piss a lot of people off. So let me preface this by saying…. remember how I said the feminine is powerful? They are. They are powerful, and energetically hardwired to be the center of attention. They are strong, and do not need a man to save them. But what is the temperature, without the structure?
The feminine energy will always be looking for the structure of the masculine energy. Our power is rouge, and we are not hardwired to create the structure ourselves. It is a learned skill built from necessity and can therefore do it. Any strong independent women has developed the skill. But a skill is not energy. It’s just reality. Not because she is seeking it out or can’t stand on her own two feet. Thats not it. It is that the energies are constantly seeking out the other.
The masculine, as the structure to that energy, will always find it to be a little easier to stand without the temperature. But fuck if they don’t have anywhere near as good of a time without it.
However, with that being said, the feminine is always looking for temperature. And they will create it in any way they can.
If someone is not having a good time at the party, the feminine will not dismiss it. They will be the first to talk to them and figure out why. They will naturally want to nurture the good in them and pull it to the surface. The feminine might be the one to pay off the DJ and buy a round of shots, and all that jazz, but most likely, she is going to hype up the one who is bringing the vibe down and bring out the confidence in that person.
We will do it with our friends.
At work.
With out parents.
At the gym.
This looks a little different for everyone. And someone who is really in touch with their feminine will not be afraid to bounce if the vibe is off, and we know we can’t fix it. But the really cool thing about the feminine is we can be a lot of different things for different situations.
Seductive and sexy to draw someone in and bring out the sexual energy.
Confident and sure to help others latch on to the vibe or to get something done.
Soft and gentle when someone is hurting.
Abrasive and intense when challenged.
But at the heart of all those things, what we bring to the table is the temperature.
So Anyway
My hope is that this gives you a glimpse or an idea of what the true Feminine energy, and if you want to go more in depth, be looking out for the podcast on this subject. It will probably get very yummy. This is just the fucking surface. Basic level shit.
I may be on this topic for awhile to be honest because there are so many things I want to get into concerning this.
Like how to fix a relationship by bring the masculine and the feminine back into harmony.
Sex between the masculine and the feminine.
Healing the Masculine.
Healing the Feminine.
Of course, every time I think I have enough blog posts and enough Podcast planned to get my point across, I think of a few more soโฆ Yup
But hey, what do I know? I am just a woman trying to make it
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