Author: enrobertson2
My wishy Washy nature.
I really am someone who is blown with the wind often. Or at least I was. And sometimes, that part of my nature rears its head and makes its self so blatantly obvious, that it’s hard to ignore. I am an adventurous creature. I get bored so unbelievably fast. I really love always having clear-cut…
The action of evolving
The action of evolving is Surrender. Surrender is open-mindedness. And life is for the living. I said what I said. I know that makes people nervous, and childhood trauma leads us to this intense desire to have complete control over as much in our lives as humanly possible. The thing is, I am not discrediting…
The fundAmentals of fear
Did you know that fear is not something that we were supposed to feel? Fear and fear-based emotions such as jealousy, anger, contempt, etc… were never supposed to be something we as humans were made to experience. Our brains quite literally do not have the inferstructer for those emotions. Lets start with the basics, shall…
The masculine power VS the Feminine Power
I will never tell a masculine what to do. And oh how people are going to be so so so mad at me about this. I know. I can feel it. The tensions rising already with just that one little statement. But it’s true. I mean you can try. But take a moment all my…
The Feminine Energy is Emotional and we love that
The feminine energy is emotional and we fucking love that about the feminine. Or at least we should. Let me explain. And if your looking for sort of the basics on the feminine energy, you can find that here – and – Part of the feminine energy, is the ability to see to…
What am I learning right now
This has been a really crazy week. Ive been unlocked in a lot of ways. Or at least that’s what it feels like. I won’t lie, I really love that. But I am finding something true to myself that I never really realized before, and I just want to talk about it for a minute.…
What does it mean to be connected to source
This is always such a controversial subject. Being connected to source typically refers to feeling a deep sense of alignment, peace, and unity with the universal energy or higher power that many people believe governs the universe. This connection can bring a sense of clarity, purpose, and inner peace, and can help individuals feel more…
The masculine ARCHETYPES
Masculine archetypes are symbolic representations of various aspects of the masculine psyche and collective unconscious. These archetypes provide a framework for understanding and exploring different facets of masculinity, spirituality, and personal growth. When remembering the frame work we have already laid out concerning the core of the masculine energy, these archetypes make a lot more…
The Feminine Energy part two
I have been doing a lot of research on the feminine energy in hopes of being able to give you a firm understanding of what the energy actually is and make sure I am getting a well rounded perspective that helps bring clarity. That is a concept that is easy to understand, but not necessarily…
The Feminine Energy.
I have been looking forward to the post with equal measures of excitement and dread. The feminine energy has been so drastically misrepresented in our culture that it’s not even funny anymore. Never really was. And unpacking the lies that have been so heavily believed while also maintaining the integrity of the energy is sure…