I have been doing a lot of research on the feminine energy in hopes of being able to give you a firm understanding of what the energy actually is and make sure I am getting a well rounded perspective that helps bring clarity. That is a concept that is easy to understand, but not necessarily the easiest to teach or bring clarity to.
What I have learned is that…. very few are actually getting it.
You know how many articles I read, and blogs I read that said the feminine is not meant to work? And that if a feminine wants to get a job and have a career, she will be tapping into her masculine to do it. Or that the sole purpose of the feminine energy is to serve the masculine? Oh my fucking good gracious. How far down the rabbit hole are we going to go before we realize that the way we have been thinking about things is all wrong? Because it is CLEARLY not working. I mean it’s not working at all for anyone.
People like to say that masculine is just fine, but because we don’t respect both with equal measure, and let our true energy come out or even have a firm understanding of what it is, the masculine can not really behave in the fullness of its self either. We are sick.
NO!!! When the feminine wants to work, she taps into the Huntress archetype in the feminine energy. Or maybe the queen archetype depending on the person and the type of career they are wanting to pursue. When they are put into a position of power they tap into the Sage archetype pretty heavily.
However, all of those are FEMININE energies. Just because the base line of the feminine is to set the temperature does not mean all she is capable of is taking care of her family and home and making sure her adult man child is taken care of. This is really fucking me off if I am honest. Because It absolutely diminishes the power of the Feminine, and it is not playing well with the masculine… at all. No wonder the masculine energy has become so toxic.
Look, if you are a mother fem archetype, and you want to stay home and take care of your kids and your home and your man and that is the life you WANT to live – I am so mother fucking here for it. You have my and so many others, unbridled and irrevocable support. Not that you need it. But it’s always nice right? Women having other women’s back? It’s a thing that feels so good. I see you. We need mothers in this context within our society. It is vital, and important, and the job that you are doing is irreplaceable.
But there is more this energy can do. Contributions it can make. And power it can hold. It is really fascinating and infuriating that the only feminine energy we seem to give any value to is the mother and maiden. So… let me enlighten you just a little.
First lets Recap
The feminine Energy is NOT a set of actions, it is the undercurrent of the action being taken. The base line thing that is irreplaceable in the feminine energy no matter what part of it that we are tapping into, is the desire to set the temperature. Whether that be in a home, or in the work place, or with your friends. The feminine is emotional, and in-tune with the needs of herself and the people around her. She is sure and confident and powerful in her own right without the need of any other energy to complete it.
The masculine and the feminine are always drawn together . They work and function best when they are in harmony.
The feminine energy does not just belong to one gender. IT IS AN ENERGY! And it is not subject to social norms. So whether you are trans, or fem presenting male or anything in-between, there is no reason you can’t hold the energy just as powerfully and effectively. We don’t judge. We let people be who they want to be. End of story.
If you want a little more information on this, you can find it here – https://elizabetheternal.com/the-feminine-energy/
If you would like more info on the Masculine, you can find it here – https://elizabetheternal.com/the-masculine-energy/
The archetypes of the Feminine Energy.
There is a wonderful blog full of pretty much everything you could ever want to know about the feminine archetypes. You can find that here – https://womenlovepower.com/an-explanation-of-the-7-basic-feminine-archetypes/
Seriously go explore her stuff. She has so much information, a quiz and classes and all kinds of things that really help put so much into perspective.
But let me give you an over view here
The lover – The lover stands in sacred sexuality. It is creative and passionate and taps into the innate ability to capture attention.
The Huntress – This is the path to independence or the warrior spirit. Often associated with the working or career centered women.
The maiden – Intuitive and creative. And hold the power to evolve.
The Sage – This is the energy of accomplishment, wisdom, and has the ability to compartmentalize deep emotions in order to be pragmatic.
The Queen – Confidence, leadership, and knows how to align with the proper alliances in order to achieve.
The mother – Nurturing and sweet energy. Bring about the ability to protect and create deep heart centered connection.
The mystic – Freedom. Inner peace. And the alluring seduction of mystery.
Do you see how versatile this energy really is and the many different ways it can show up in the world and in society? It is not one set of rules or one thing that the feminine energy can do. It is not limited or have boundaries. It is endless and beautiful and fun and so much more. The more I read about this energy in other context the more sad and disheartened I really became because all of it is so limiting.
There is power here, There is fullness here. There is beauty and harmony that stretches far beyond the realm of that which is commonly understood.
You can be a leader and a feminine energy. You can be a career women, and a feminine energy. You can be literally anything and still hold the energy.
It dose not hold just one way of life but a multitude and should be treated with that respect and understanding.
Okay now.
I am going to be putting out post about how to step into this. And all the other things I have already talked about putting out. But I wanted to make this point really clear before we went any further.
So be looking out for a podcast, and other posts.