Elizabeth Eternal

Eternally growing. Eternally evolving. Eternally Learning

What am I learning right now


This has been a really crazy week. Ive been unlocked in a lot of ways. Or at least that’s what it feels like. I won’t lie, I really love that. But I am finding something true to myself that I never really realized before, and I just want to talk about it for a minute.

The way that I find manifestation to be easiest, is using sex magic. But why? Why is this such an amazing tool for myself?

Without thinking about it much, I just assumed that this was because I was a sensual creature by nature. I love sex. I love the energetic nature of sex, and the way I feel when I am settling into divine sensuality. I love exploring and testing limits, and being pushed to the absolute max as often as I can. This is something that is real and joyous to me.

So, it stands to reason that when I take that energy, and apply a specific resolve that I am wanting to bring into my life, that it would be a powerful way of doing it. And it really is. It is a powerful way of manifesting to me.

But I realized this week, that it works because I am constantly reminded of the things I am manifesting. I go into these rituals by building. Building energetic flow in my body. Building a five senses profile for what I am manifesting and embodying that in my body. I build crazy heights of sensual energy and attach these things to it, and through my own release, also releasing something powerful into the universe.

It’s a heady and beautiful experience, that I love.

But because sensuality is something that I operate on a regular basis, I am consistently reminded of those five senses I built. And I automatically want to take it on. Leaving me in a fairly consistent state of living that life, the life that I am manifesting, in the here and now.

That is why it is powerful. That is why it is consistent. That is why I love it so damn much. It is combining a spiritual practice, with a physical practice, which gives me the energy and desire for the work associated with the thing I am manifesting. It puts me into a flow state, connecting me with source, and providing a consistent state of being that I can delight in.

Hahahaha I love this.